Hokyoji, noooo!  Ugh, I am way not excited.  They haven’t really told us much about it, which makes it even worse.  Just that we ‘won’t have time to crack a book’.  Maaaan.

I’ve been in Japan for two weeks, and its felt like an eternity.  This is definitely not a bad thing.

Things I’ll do differently when I go back to the States:

–  Wear house slippers
–  Bow sometimes
–  Drink tea
–  Smile more
–  Use chopsticks more
–  Apologize

Let’s Learn Japanese! Lesson 1:

Sumimasen: my offences will not end!
Do itashimashite: How could you say thank you when anyone would do the same in my place?

It’s funny how the Japanese language can really tell you a lot about its culture.  We talked about that in Society – I’d go into the details, but it’d take forever.  Needless to say, language is amazing.

Oh no, I’m hungry again…trying really hard not to eat as much – well, starting today, anyhow.  Okay, starting this morning.  This is very difficult.  It’s just, Japanese food is so delicious!  I can’t deal with it.  There are these delicious not-exactly-Pocky things with cream inside that tastes like pound cake.  Mmmm.  I could eat them forever.

More Bullets:
–  Four hour eating lesson
–  Parfait epic calories
–  Laundry air dry failure
–  Naps make two days out of one
–  Bathroom cleaning
–  Mosquito flocks
–  Nara